We Are Knowledgeable & Experienced Ohio Drug - Marijuana OVI - DUI - Traffic Attorneys Protecting Drivers’ Rights
Skilled Ohio advocates challenge drunk driving charges
Ortner Law Group may be able to have charges thrown out by demonstrating that an equipment or procedural error resulted in an unfair charge.

We will examine whether law enforcement followed proper protocol in regard to:

    The stop
— Police must be able to demonstrate that they pulled you over based on “reasonable suspicion” that you were acting in violation of the law.

    The sobriety test
— There are specific rules that police must follow when administering field sobriety tests, including when measuring blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
    The equipment — Breathalyzer machines have provided inaccurate results in the past, and their reliability can be questioned.
    The arrest — An officer does not have to inform you of your Miranda rights, for an arrest to be valid.
    The evidence — Blood samples and other types of evidence must be stored in certain conditions in order to maintain their integrity.

Our DUI attorneys will strive to get you the respect you deserve and the results you desire.
If you have been charged with an OVI/DUI in Sheffield Village or anywhere in Ohio, it's important to understand the serious consequences you may face, including loss of license, higher insurance costs, heavy fines, and jail time. But you don't have to face these charges alone.

At The Ortner Law Group, we are here to help. Our committed lawyers defend clients in the Northeast Ohio area against criminal prosecution.
Our experienced attorneys understand that people make mistakes and that breathalyzers can give false readings. We have the knowledge necessary to challenge the evidence against you and the ability to help you pursue the best possible outcome.

Our team will work tirelessly to protect your legal rights and help you navigate the complex legal system. We understand the gravity of an OVI/DUI charge and will provide personalized and aggressive representation to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome in your case.

Don't let an OVI/DUI charge derail your life. Contact Ortner Law Group today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you defend your legal rights and pursue the best possible outcome in your case.
Contact Ortner Law Group
Experienced Ohio lawyers for help
fighting a DUI/DWI
Trusted counselors provide advice on handling DUI stops
If you are ever pulled over by the police on suspicion of drunk driving, there are several ways you can help yourself:

    Remain calm and be polite — If you are nervous, police officers may think that you are hiding something or are intoxicated.

    Don’t allow a search without a warrant — Any evidence police find in your car can be used to support a DUI conviction or may result in more charges.

    Take the sobriety test — Refusing to take a test may make an officer more suspicious and lead to an arrest. The results of a test can always be challenged later. However, if you are highly intoxicated, refuse all tests.

    Get a blood test after release — It’s a good idea to measure your BAC with a blood test after arrest. At trial, your attorney may use that evidence to raise possible defenses.

If you are arrested and charged with a OVI or DWI, it is wise to contact a OVI attorney immediately. The attorneys at Kenneth N. Ortner & Associates, LLC can start working on your defense as soon as you enlist our services.
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© 2023 Ortner Law Group, LLC
5425 Detroit Road, Suite 10, Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054